Suriname red-tailed boas are here! After a long wait, our pair of Suriname red-tailed boas (Boa constrictor constrictor) have produced a beautiful litter of boas. There were 35 boas in total, no infertile or still born. A very impressive litter indeed.
Suriname’s will be available in a few weeks time once all boas have shed and had a few meals. We like to make sure animals are started off as solid feeders on frozen thawed prey. This also gives us the chance to select a few choice animals as hold-back from the litter. 🙂
Below are just a few photos of the litter of the day they were born (9/11/2018). We’ll post more pictures as time permits.
Enjoy. 🙂

#DarrenHamillReptiles #TrueRedTailedBoa