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Busy as bees…

By March 4, 2016No Comments

This pair of Northern Emeralds are busy as bees, and its already the beginning of March.

Because this pairing had a bit of a slow start, I’ll have to be patient. Firstly it took several introductions of the male to the females cage to have the female accept the male. Upon first introductions, the female immediately defecated, therefore rejecting the male. Also, after several more introductions several days in between, the female would make every effort to ignore the males advances.

The gap between introductions affords me the opportunity to feed the animals. During breeding trials I generally reduce the amount of feed. Feeding intervals are stretched further apart, and I offer smaller meals. This male generally goes off feed early in the winter season. The female however has continued to feed so far this season.

In the following weeks I’ll be giving the animals a few days or more in between introductions, reading their body language and waiting for them to tell me when they’ve accepted one another. I have no doubt the male is up for the task, time will tell l when the females decides she’s ready as too.

Here’s to thinking positive! 🙂

Busy as Bees!