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Gravid Amazon Tree Boa Progression

By March 22, 2016No Comments

This Amazon gravid Amazon Tree Boa (C. hortulanus) has been progressing nicely. This female last shed November 11th 2015, and at that time I didn’t have the opportunity to see her ovulate so I gradually started increasing her temperatures in the following weeks.

I’ve been pairing this female up with my Red Calico looking male, with the hopes of producing more Calico looking beauties this summer. This was the first year for the male so he wasn’t the most aggressive breeder.

It’s been several years since I’ve produced Amazons, and this female is a proven breeder, so here’s hoping for a healthy litter. Litter sizes can range from 6-10 on average. Neonates typically start feeding on live fuzzy mice. Occasionally, neonates prefer geckos or frogs as their first prey items (as reported by other keepers). Fortunately I find that if the neonates are setup properly they feed readily. All that’s needed is adequate perching and cover so they feel secure; they’ll typically strike at anything and feed.

Gravid Amazon Tree Boa