This is our young Hypo Leopard Central American Boa (Boa constrictor imperator). We only work with a handful of Boa Morphs including Hypo Leopards and Hypo Nicaraguans, but we find the Hypo “Leo’s” to be very attractive snakes.
The Centrals are especially nice because they’re generally smaller, and often have darker coloration. In our opinion, the darker animals are what makes them stand out more than other localities.
In a few years this young Hypo Leopard Central American will be paired up with a very busy patterned Leopard female. It will be fun to see the results as neonates can be highly variable in pattern. Some of the Leopard Boas can be nearly stripped in pattern, while others are very busy. Some animals end up being a mx of both. When it comes to Leopard Boas it really comes down to the individual preference, and what catches your eye. 🐍😊💕#BoaConstrictor #BoaConstrictorImperator
#BoaConstrictor #DarrenHamillReptiles